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2010-03-20 Armond nodded and he walked to the back door and opened it then he walked outside and set Max down.
Liz jumped off her chair and ran to Jace's room and crawled into bed with him and cuddled him.
2010-03-20 Armond chuckles as he watched him.
Liz smiles brightly at Jace."Mine."sh
2010-03-20 Max giggled more
A wolf was by the woods near Armond's he licked his muzzle watching Max. [Twist time :D]
Jace nodde
2010-03-20 [XD nope.]
Max giggled as he jumped going closer to the woods he saw the wolf and smiled going in the woods after it, "Doggys!"
Jace cuddled her back
2010-03-20 [bugger! >.<]
Armond frowned and he sniff."Wolf." he ran after Max.
Liz cuddled him."mes had bad dream."
2010-03-20 [XD thank you :D]
Max ran after the wolf as it troted ahead of him
Jace frowned, "About what?"
2010-03-20 [Anytime XD]
Armond ran faster as he looked for Max. Son!
Liz frowned."Pando
2010-03-20 Max frowned and stoped he looked back but didn't see Armond. Some one reached out and grabed him
Jace frowned and held her
2010-03-20 Max yelped and tryed to get away
The man blocked out Max from him saying anything mental
Jace held her
2010-03-20 The man walked with Max as Max tryed to get away he made it so it seemed like Max's mind was gone like if someone died
Jace cuddled her more
2010-03-20 Armond froze and shook his head."No...it can't be."
Liz kissed his cheek."Loves you big brother."
2010-03-20 Lilianna skidded to a stop in the same spot the man had just teleported, sniffing around.
2010-03-20 Armond shook as he was in shock and he fell to his knees.
Liz smiles and she cuddled him.
2010-03-20 Lilianna hesitated a little, the focused on shifting back with some kind of or clothing on. She just barely made it, wearing a thin dress. She walked over to Armond and knealt next to him,"Armond.."
2010-03-20 Armond looked at her with lifeless eyes."He's...g
Liz smiles and cuddled him
2010-03-20 Lilianna instantly read his expression,"He
2010-03-20 Armond blinked."Telep
Liz cuddled him more as she smiles
2010-03-20 Armond sighed."Good that's very good." he could feel slow rage building in him."Now all I have to do is find my son then kill the person that took him from me."
Liz cuddled him more.
2010-03-20 Lilianna nodded a little,"We need to go check on your others... I'll watch them while you go get Max.."
2010-03-20 Armond nodded."Thank you." he stood up and he wipped his face and ran back to the house.
Liz smiles.
Luna walked into Jace's room crying.
2010-03-20 Luna crawled into the bed and cuddled Jace's back."Bad dream."
Liz frowned."Luna.
Armond ran into the house."Kids!"
2010-03-20 Lilianna fallowed Armond in after calling the house and having one of the construction workers bring Rose over.
2010-03-20 Armond ran up to jace's room and opened it then he saw that all three where in bed."Thank god."he relax just a bit.
Liz looked at Armond."Daddys
Luna looked at him."hey."she sniffed.
2010-03-20 Luna and Liz nodded.
Armond smiles."It's just a little thing, nothing for my babies to worry about."
2010-03-20 Armond sighed."Now Lilian is going to be looking after you tonight, okay? Daddy has to go on a business trip."
Liz frowned."No gose."
Luna sighed."awww daddy."
2010-03-20 Armoned smiles."I won't be long." he walked out the room.
Liz jumped off the bed and out the room crying."Daddy!
2010-03-20 Luna followed Jace.
Armond turned and picked up Liz."Shhhh...d
Liz held onto him tightly."Nos gose."she cryed
2010-03-20 Luna held onto his other leg and cryed."No daddy, no."
Liz cryed as she held onto him tightly.
Armond sighed."Lilian
2010-03-20 Lilianna set Rose down,"Go set up the colors, ok?" She walked upstairs and saw them all clinging to him."Hey guys, do you want to go make cards for Max so you can give them to him when he gets back, and then we'll make a surprise for dad..." She said gently, knealing so she was closer to Jace's height,"Rose is downstairs too... I'm sure she wants to see you."
2010-03-20 Luna looked at Lilianna."Whos she?" she glared at her.
Liz hid her face on Armond's neck as she held onto him tightly.
Armond sighed."Luna be nice."
2010-03-20 Lilianna smiled at Luna,"It''s ok, I don't expect you to like me after having that horrible witch for a nanny."She winked at Luna, then looked at Jace and nodded,"Yes, Kitty girl, though, she's not a kitty right now.."
2010-03-20 Luna just glared more."She wasn't a witch she was bit-."
Armond cut her off."Luna."
Luna sighed but still glared.
2010-03-20 Lilianna fought her features for a moment, turning her head away so none of them could see her smiling. She turned back to them,"Yes, well, I think for now we should use witch, even though we all know what she really was, ok?"
"Mummy!" Rose called,"All sed upt!" she ran over to them as fast as her short legs would carry her.
2010-03-20 Liz just cryed on Armond unwilling to let go of him.
Luna looked at Rose and frowned.
Armond sighed."Now you can see why I need a good nanny."
2010-03-20 Lilianna smiled at Rose, "Thank you hunny." She stood and looked at Armond,"Yes, but it'll take them all time getting used to me.. And this little one.."She indicated to Liz,"You have to rock her, hum a little... Like this." She picked Rose up, who at two years old and not understanding why everyone was crying, had started to as well. Lilianna held her close, resting her chin ontop of Rose's head and began to hum softly while rocking back and forth slowly.
2010-03-20 Luna held onto Armond's leg tightly as she wrapped her legs around his leg too.
Armond nodded and he as he rocked Liz and he shhed her.
Liz just cryed.
2010-03-20 Rose calmed down after a moment and sniffled,looki
2010-03-20 Rose looked at Armond and studied him for a minute."He come back, twust me." She nodded a little.
2010-03-20 Liz held onto Armond tightly as she cryed a bit less.
Armond sighed."Luna, Jace off daddys legs now."
Luna frowned."No."
2010-03-20 Armond flexed his jaw."I'm sorry but I need to do this." he took over Jace and Luna's minds and made them let go.
Luna frowned as she let go of his leg."No fair you used powers!"
2010-03-20 Lilianna spoke up,"The longer he stays here now, the longer he'll have to be away later..."
2010-03-20 Luna cryed."Please daddy."
Armond made Jace and Luna stay where they at as he pulled Liz off him and handed her to Lilianna.
2010-03-20 Liz cryed and tryed to get out of Lilianna's arms."Daddy!"
Luna cryed as she tryed to move but couldn't.
Armond sighed."I'll be back soon, my babies." he teleported away.
Liz cryed louder."NO DADDY!" she screamed/cryed
Luna cryed more as she shook.
2010-03-20 Lilianna sank to the floor, letting Rose go. She put her other arm around Liz,"Shh, shh... It's ok little one."
2010-03-20 Liz cryed for her daddy.
Luna could now move and she ran to where Armond once stood as she cryed.
Armond telelported to where Max had been taken.
2010-03-20 Jace cryed more
Max looked about 8 and he was smiling as a man in a back yard was showing him fire tricks and a woman was watching. They where in the backyard of a house by the woods in a town
2010-03-20 Rose watched Jace and Luna. She didn't quiet know what a Daddy even was, but she could sense their distress and walked over to them, trying her best to comfort them.
Lilianna ran her fingures threw Liz's hair."He'll be back, I swear it. He'll be quick."
2010-03-20 Armond sniffed as he tryed to track down Max then he caught hsi scent and ran to it at vampire speed.
Liz cryed more as she shook.
Luna cryed more as she punched the ground.
2010-03-20 Max giggled as he watched more he glanced over and saw Armond stop in the yard.
Jace cryed more
2010-03-20 Max blinked at Armond confussed he frowned and looked at the man.
The man frowned at Armond, "Excuse me sir why are you calling my son, son?"
The woman picked up Max
2010-03-20 The man frowned, "He's mine, love get Jake inside."
The woman nodded and held Max as she walked inside
2010-03-20 Lilianna let them cry, knowing they'd eventually stop when they got tired. She murmerred a protection spell for Armond and Maximus.
2010-03-20 Armond fronwned."What did you do to my son?"
Luna ketp puunching the ground as she cryed.
Liz coughed then she cryed more.
2010-03-20 The man, "I did nothing to your son cause I don't know any of your children. No please sur leave before you scare my son."
Max was peeking out the window watching them.
2010-03-20 The man frowned at him, "I can do fire tricks if thats what you mean. I use oils and gases manly."
Max frowned and looked back at the woman how was starting to cast a spell
2010-03-20 The man frowned and jumped for Armond
Max frowned as she keept going Max went and hid under the table
2010-03-20 Max frowned he saw Armond and ran out from the table and hid behind Armond's legs
The woman rose an eyebrow
2010-03-20 Lilianna tensed a little and raised her nose to the air, sniffing."All of you quiet." She said sternly, but still nicely. Obviously she was serious.
2010-03-20 Armond beared his fangs at her."What did you do to my son?"
Liz was quietly crying.
Luna glared at Lilianna."Why should I?" she growled as her succbuss pheromones where getting out of control.
2010-03-20 Jace was still crying
Max frowned a bit
The woman, "Forget you. He doesn't rember any thing his just blank in his little head."
2010-03-20 "Beacause of that." She pointed down the hall to another were tiger who was in tiger form. He was about two times as big as a normal tiger. He growled a little after snifing the air. Lilianned handed Liz to Jace and shifted quickly.
2010-03-20 Luna looked at the tiger and growled.
Liz screamed when she saw the tiger and she held onto Jace tightly as she was scared to death.
Armond growled."Give him have memorys back."
2010-03-20 The tiger ignored the children, staring down Lilianna. Lili looked at them and gently pushed them toward a room before approaching the other tiger.
2010-03-20 Armond glared at her."Give him his memories back before I kill you."
Liz was shaking as she held onto Jace tightly.
Luna growled at the other tiger.
2010-03-20 The woman droped the vile on the ground and it broke his memorys fading away, "Too late, have fun even teaching him his name." She smiled and waved disapeing
Jace frowned
2010-03-20 Luna moved away from Lilianna and she made a huge fire ball appear right above her head."You mean tiger that I have never seen before piss off before I fry you!"
Liz crys.
Armond sighed and turned to Max."Well you have grown, son."
2010-03-20 Lilianna stepped infront of her, shaking her head a little. The other tiger seemed unimpressed by the fire, but took the time that Lilianna had her back to him to grabb one of her hind legs and drag her downstairs.
2010-03-20 Luna gasped."Tiger lady!" she ran after her with the fire ball.
Armond sighed."Maximu
2010-03-20 Lilianna snarled, twisting out of the tigers grip. She turned and yacked him hard on the head with her paw, scratching him. He did the same thing, but was already backing off. He sat in the doorway for a moment and snorted before walked away.
Lilianna stayed in tiger form, but could speak normally,"Boun
2010-03-20 Luna stopped at the bottom of the stairs holding a fire ball watching.
Armond nodded."yes I'm your daddy."
2010-03-20 Max smiled, "I rembers she stupids and said wrong ones." HE ran and hugged Armond tightly smiling, "She fix me ears, I can hear daddys!"
2010-03-20 Lilianna looked at her, nudging her gently,"You can put that out, he wont be coming back."
2010-03-20 Armond smiles as he hugged him tightly."Thank god."
Luna blinked."Umm..
2010-03-20 "He'll be back, I can feel it. But you probably shouldn't catche te hous on fire while he's gone..."
2010-03-20 Lilianna sighed,"Fine, but I;m not going to be the one to explain why he no longer has a home." She limped into the kitchen before shifting. She again managed to shift with clothes on. Rose started down the stairs, casting Luna a glare before running to her mother.
2010-03-20 Luna walked out the house and she threw the fire ball at the pathways and smiles when nothing caught on fire.
Liz was still shaking like a leaf as she crys on Jace.
Armond cuddled him as he held him close.
2010-03-20 Armond smiles as he cuddled him.
Liz stopped crying but she held onto Jace like her life depended on it.
2010-03-20 Lilianna calmed Rose as she cleadned and covered her wounds. She the went upstairs to Jace and Luna,"You two ok?"
2010-03-20 Liz jumped and squealed a little when she hear Lilianna's voice.
Armond cuddled him."Best get back to the house. I left your brother and sister crying because they didn't want me to go."he sighed.
2010-03-20 Armond looked at him."Well I could take you to a witch I know, her name is Holly. Maybe she could help."
2010-03-20 "Sh, young one."Lilianna said gently,brushin
2010-03-20 Armond teleported them to Holly.
Holly was in her living room reading her book of shadows.
2010-03-20 Liz hid her face on Jace's neck as she held onto him tightly.
Armond saw her."Holly."
Holly didn't look up from her book."Armond."
2010-03-20 Lilianna smiled a little and nodded, taking a gem off of her neckless. She placed it in her palm and slowly blew on it. Slowly ythe gem expanded to make a small wolf statue.
2010-03-20 Armond held Max close."Can you make my son look 4 again?"
Holly looked at him and then to Max."Sure." she looked back at her book and fliped threw a coulpe of pages.
2010-03-20 Armond smiles,"I'm back!"
Luna ran to him and hugged his leg tightly.
Liz hear Armond and let go of Jace and ran down the stairs and hugged his other leg.
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